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I'm going to be honest with you about something...👐


Recently, when thinking about our dancers, my big word has been ‘AMBITIOUS’. I see these lush people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s who, pre-6PM are studying and raising families and running offices and saving lives (big up the medics). And post 6PM are dancers.

Historically/unhelpfully, the dance world's taught us is that your training peaks in your late teens/20s and this is when you’re your most skilled.

But that doesn’t match what I see here.

I see the videos in our Commercial Latin group chat. I watch our Improvers Ballet on stage. I work with our Tuesday Jazz group. I’ve watched these brilliant humans dance for years and I can tell you – they’re the best they’ve ever been. They look their most confident. And as a teacher (and a fan) it is incredibly joyous to see.

So 1 thing you need to know about our dancers is that whether they've been dancing for 2 months or 20 years, they're ambitious. And they shun the idea that 'age' is a road block to their dancing.

AE Dance is also an ambitious place because I'm ambitious. I don’t have a ‘vision’ of where exactly we’re going long-term. But my brain NEVER STOPS thinking up new ideas to try. Things I think would be fun or helpful for the community. Or sometimes things that I just think would be fun for me! It never stops. I fight really hard to make things happen. And like our dancers, I reject road blocks.

Alongside this ambition, exists another quality. Our “full-on-ness”.

Not the dancers! They’re not full on! They’re gorgeous. But the organisation and I guess…me!

We're a busy business. There are LOTS of messages and NEW EXCITING THINGS constantly. Which I know can feel quite bombard-y at times. Our classes are buzzy. Our teachers are high-energy. Our dancers are chatty. And we have lots of stuff happening simultaneously so there are many moving parts + people. It can feel chaotic. Our social media is full-on too because I’m desperate to talk about things! And because we’re a business, so we have to sell to survive.

And I suppose I’m full on. I’m naturally a super excitable person. And AE Dance excites me the most. This energy fuels my ambition. It leads to lots of lush things. And it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I get that.

So this is an intro to AE Dance PLUS a disclaimer. Here you'll find: ambitious humans, relentless energy + lots of emails.

If you’re reading this email and thinking: “yeah actually, I kinda wanna try some of that” you’d be so welcome to join us in the studio!

We'll see you there!

Angie xx

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